Friday, September 2, 2011

How To Speed Up Your Metabolism In Your 30's

I'm definitely not a dieter. So I don't keep up with fad diets or fancy pills that promise to drop pounds quickly. But I happened to have been flipping through channels and came upon The Dr. Oz show yesterday and saw something that caught my attention. There was a lady on the show who is in her 30's and she wanted to know how to speed up her metabolism. 

This struck my attention because I've noticed that after having babies my body has changed drastically. I've always been the type of person to eat what I want and not count calories. What can I say, I love food and I always have. I'm the kind of person that will eat a lot of fatty foods and if need be go to the gym and work off the extra calories. But since turning 30 two and a half years ago, it hasn't been so simple. I've noticed my metabolism has literally slowed down or just quit working all together. LOL

Now I admit that having my youngest son and breastfeeding him has worked out in my advantage to lose weight. Breastfeeding has definitely made me sweat and has increased my appetite. I know, it sounds weird that I have been able to lose weight by eating more. Well the thing that people tends to do is slow down on their eating and even eating less. This does not help our metabolism at all, eating less only slows down your metabolism. By me eating more (5 to 6 times a day to be exact) it has given my metabolism the boost it needed to burn off calories.  

Mind you small and some what healthy meals are what I have increased. I've always liked vegetables but not necessarily the kinds that other people like to eat. Like okra, Lima beans and spinach. I still eat unhealthy foods here and there but the thing is portion control. And with me eating more meals per day I definitely get full pretty quickly. I like to eat grilled or baked chicken and salmon (not because of it's health but because I'm too lazy to fry anything and I genuinely love salmon and grilled chicken) with veggies or salad. Here are some other options to help speed up that metabolism per Dr. Oz:

-Mushrooms boost metabolism (rich source of CLA, a fat that helps burn other fats) eat 1/2 cup every other day
-Pine nuts 2 tbsp 3 times a week
-Balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp with meals

Metabolism booster drink Tangerine Weight-Orade:
-8 cups brewed green tea (boost metabolism by 12% because of caffeine)
-1 sliced tangerine (increases your body's insulin sensitivity, which deals with fat)
-1 handful chopped mint leaves (no calorie flavor enhancer)

Hope this helps some you ladies, feel free to let me know your results, if you even notice any. I plan on trying this out and will definitely share my results.

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