Monday, April 5, 2010


So just when you think you have this potty training thing under control and your toddler has pretty much mastered the art of going #1 & #2 in the potty, you are thrown for a loop!

The weekend started off nicely. I won some concert tickets to see Alicia Keys on Friday night and got to see the concert with one of my long lost friends (glad we found each other and are back in contact). Oh and did I mention I had a kid free night? Then Saturday rolls along and we get invited to my cousins house for a little family gathering and grilling. So it was turning out to be a LOVELY weekend. We go pick up the kiddo from the parentals and shuffle on over to my cousins house. Oh wait I forgot to mention me and the hubster caught a movie and a dinner before heading out to pick up the kiddo. Wonderful relaxing start to a beautiful day. All goes well at my cousins house, the kiddos are having a great time, was able to hang out with my Mom and Aunt, and play a little NBA 2K10 (at least that's what I think it was called).

Now mind you, I am getting beat by a 5 year old (who is talking more trash than Charles Barkley, and we all know he talked a lot of trash) in an Basketball video game and it was my first time playing the game. All of a sudden I hear a scream coming from the back of the house and my cousin in law is yelling "OMG Dominic just pooped (well that's not the word she used) all over the place"! I'm just sitting there thinking to myself, she must be exaggerating because surely my child knows how to go #2 in the toilet and if he were having a problem he would come to Mommy, right? Uhhhhhh nope I guess he wouldn't. I guess my child would try to go poop all by him self even though he was having problems. I mean why ask mommy, he is a big boy right?
So I walk back to the back of the house and try to mentally prepare myself for what I'm about to witness. And I can honestly tell you that I still was not prepared to see what I saw. MY child could not get his shorts off to go poop so he pooped in his pants and then took off his pants and underwear (but left the socks and shoes on) and started to rinse his underwear off in the sink. Poop is everywhere, on the toilet seat on the tub, on the floor on the bathroom rug and all over the floor (because he walked back n forth trying to hide the evidence in the sink).

Do you know what my child said to me when he saw me walk into the bathroom? He says " Oh it's ok Mommy I fixed it, I cleaned it all up, go back in the room and don't tell daddy"!
WTF? How in the world could this child have pooped this much. I mean he is only 3 and so little. SMH.....well ok he isn't exactly little but he is 3 1/2 yrs old. I'm not gonna tell you how I cleaned it all up, just know that Mama cleaned it up and daddy put him in the shower. Thank God that we had just picked him up from Abuela and Abuelos house or we wouldn't have clothes that fit him.

Why is it that when you have kids no one tells you that you will be cleaning poop off of the floor, or the bed or the carpet? I mean why not tell us up front so we know what to expect? I can handle it, I'm a big girl.

Well atleast that's over and behind us, we just have to practice on taking our clothes off that have buttons that don't snap. The lessons are never done. But on a brighter note, I'll leave ya with some of Dom's funny sayings or doings.

So Dom talks back a lot, he always has to have the last word. Not sure he gets that from me, we all know I'm mouthy but the last word? Not so sure. The hubster is yelling at Dom for not paying attention or something, and Dominic yells back "Don't loud at me Daddy, you loud me, I loud you"! Oh and Bedtime last night was hellatious. When Daddy is home, Dom never wants to go to bed, he wants more tv time or he wants to jump on Daddy's back one more time. Well Hubster goes to check on Dom, and of course Dom has not gone to bed yet, he has been sitting in the dark playing with toys for over an hour. So Hubster says "Dominic you need to go to bed you have school tomorrow" Dom says, "Daddy, can I talk to you for a second"? Hubster says "what about" Dom says "Can I have 3 seconds on the tv, come on daddy please".......Do you see what I have to deal with? I think he is gonna be a comedian one day or at the very least an actor. LOL

1 comment:

  1. We are going to look back on this and laugh...cause I am laughing right now. I love my family, never a dull moment.
