Friday, April 2, 2010


Isn't it funny how when your young you have this vision of how you "hope" your life will be? Only to finally reach that point you envisioned and it doesn't turn out that way? Well I guess I can't say none of it turned out the way that I had hoped. I mean I am for the most part happy. But career wise, eh not so much.

It's funny how when you are in the dreaming phase you leave out some details. Like getting married, having kids and owning pets. LOL I guess I always envisioned a husband, but I don't remember there being a dream segment about any kids. Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful thing. If you are a planner or a goal setter, I think you should add kids to your list of possibilities so that you then map out a plan for childcare, and who is going to keep them while your out working, oh and a even bigger thing, how much it's all gonna cost you.

No one ever tells you that childcare (not the best that money can buy, but the kind that keeps your kid safe and entertained while you go make your millions) is gonna cost you about $6000 to $7000 a year....EASILY! I'm still trying to figure out how other people manage this. Yeah it's easy to find a "job" not in your career field, that doesn't pay much, and only pays you enough to just cover childcare cost, but leaves absolutely nothing else for paying bills. Yeah been there done that. But is it worth going in everyday for eight hours, some days 12 and still just making barely $10 per hr while your kids are being raised by someone else, and your bills are piling up because the only thing you are truly any good at the hours of business don't fit with your family schedule? Aghhhhh! It's enough to make you want to pull your hair out. Now you have to take all of these things into consideration before taking a job. You have to now figure out what days your gonna be scheduled to work, how much the pay is (because it has to be enough to cover daycare out of your own check), which daycare are you gonna go with, because it has to be one that teaches pre-k, and what times does it open and close.

Oh yeah I forgot the best part. After you finally find a job that meets all of that criteria and you start working, your boss later comes to you and changes everything up. You no longer have the hours they hired you to do, it's a totally different schedule now and per your boss, you take those hours or quit! Well well.....your back at square one. Isn't life so perfect?

So now back at square one looking for work, and your unemployed "friend" tells you how you should just take any job you can get. Did they not read the memo on parenthood? Probably not I definitely did not. So now you have to hear this from your friends telling you what you should do, mind you none of them know of all of the criteria that has to fit before you can even start working. Bummer I know....Life can be a funny journey in which only the strong survive.

Of course I have a plan, but I'm not going to share it just yet, I'll just keep working on my new project until it's finished. Continue on my current path and pray for success at the end. It's like the saying goes, when life gives you lemons you have to make lemonade. :-)

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